Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
BN0120W - The Spirit and the Church Diploma BN 18.0 WHT
BN0144W - The Gospel of Matthew Diploma BN 18.0 WHT
BN0146W - The Gospel of Luke Diploma BN 18.0 WHT
BN0148W - Romans and Galatians Diploma BN 18.0 WHT
BN0191W - The Gospel of John Diploma BN 18.0 WHT
BN1000T - Introduction to the New Testament Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 TRI
BN1001W - Interpreting the New Testament Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 WHT
BN1120W - The Spirit and the Church Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 WHT
BN1144W - The Gospel of Matthew Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 WHT
BN2001L - Gospel Studies 1: Matthew and Mark Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 ALC
BN2001W - Interpreting the New Testament Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 WHT
BN2009W - Paul, the Cross-shaped Church and its Mission Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 WHT
BN2010Y - The Corinthian Correspondence Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 YTU
BN2011Y - Luke-Acts Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 YTU
BN2012Y - Matthew Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 YTU
BN2017Y - Romans Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 YTU
BN2030P - Mark's Gospel in Context Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 PIL
BN2032S - The Revelation to John in Christian Theology and Testimony Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 STC
BN2033W - Romans: Suffering and Justice Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 WHT
BN2050P - Luke-Acts Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 PIL
BN2060P - Reading Romans: Exegesis, Theology, Context Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 PIL
BN2099S - Luke: Discipleship, Danger, Discernment Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 STC
BN3000P - Advanced Greek Reading Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 PIL
BN3001W - Mark Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3002W - Matthew Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3003L - Gospel Studies 2 Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 ALC
BN3009W - Paul, the Cross-shaped Church and its Mission Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3010Y - The Corinthian Correspondence Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3011L - Pauline Letters Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 ALC
BN3011W - The Spirit and the People of God Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3011Y - Luke-Acts Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3012Y - Matthew Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3017Y - Romans Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3030P - Mark's Gospel in Context Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 PIL
BN3031W - First Corinthians Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3032S - The Revelation to John in Christian theology and testimony Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 STC
BN3033W - Romans: Suffering and Justice Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3042W - The Book of Revelation Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 WHT
BN3099S - Luke: Discipleship, Danger, Discernment Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 STC
BN3110T - Gospel and Epistles of John Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3120T - Gospel and Epistles of John (Greek Exegesis) Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3130P - The Book of Revelation: Evil, Empire, and Eschatology Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 PIL
BN3300T - Gospel of Luke Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3500T - Reading Romans Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3504C - Greek Reading: Narratives Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 CTC
BN3505C - Greek Reading: Epistles Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 CTC
BN3600T - The Gospel of Mark Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3800T - Intertextuality and Interpretation – Reading with the Early Church Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3810T - Women's Authority in the New Testament and Early Church Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI
BN3900T - The Pastoral Epistles and Church Leadership Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 TRI