Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
AH3150A - Saints and Sinners: Women in Late Antiquity Undergraduate Level 3 AH 18.0 SAC
AH9150A - Saints and Sinners: Women in Late Antiquity Postgraduate Elective AH 24.0 SAC
AL1200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic I Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 SAC
AL2200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic II Undergraduate Level 2 AL 18.0 SAC
AL3700A - Advanced Syriac Undergraduate Level 3 AL 18.0 SAC
AL8200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic I Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 SAC
AL9200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic II Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 SAC
AL9700A - Advanced Syriac Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 SAC
BA1100A - Introduction to the Old Testament Undergraduate Level 1 BA 18.0 SAC
BA8100A - Introduction to the Old Testament Postgraduate Foundational BA 24.0 SAC
BN1500A - "Women are to be silent"? Voices of Women in the New Testament and in Orthodox Christianity. Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 SAC
BN8500A - "Women are to be silent"? Voices of Women in the New Testament and in Orthodox Christianity. Postgraduate Foundational BN 24.0 SAC
BS3000A - Seeking Christ in Scriptures: Scripture and Its Exegesis in the Orthodox Tradition Undergraduate Level 3 BS 18.0 SAC
BS3920A - Apocalyptic Literature Undergraduate Level 3 BS 18.0 SAC
BS9000A - Seeking Christ in Scriptures: Scripture and Its Exegesis in the Orthodox Tradition Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 SAC
BS9920A - Apocalyptic Literature Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 SAC
CH1800A - History of Orthodox Missiology Undergraduate Level 1 CH 18.0 SAC
CH2310A - History, Nature, and Development of Indian Christianity Undergraduate Level 2 CH 18.0 SAC
CH2530A - Pillars of Orthodoxy – The Alexandrian Fathers Undergraduate Level 2 CH 18.0 SAC
CH2800A - History of Orthodox Missiology Undergraduate Level 2 CH 18.0 SAC
CH3150A - Saints and Sinners: Women in Late Antiquity Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 SAC
CH3310A - History, Nature, and Development of Indian Christianity Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 SAC
CH3500A - The Lives and Times of the Desert Fathers Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 SAC
CH3520A - St Gregory of Nazianzus: Orator, Theologian, Bishop Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 SAC
CH8530A - Pillars of Orthodoxy – The Alexandrian Fathers Postgraduate Foundational CH 24.0 SAC
CH8800A - History of Orthodox Missiology Postgraduate Foundational CH 24.0 SAC
CH9150A - Saints and Sinners: Women in Late Antiquity Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SAC
CH9310A - History, Nature, and Development of Indian Christianity Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SAC
CH9500A - The Lives and Times of the Desert Fathers Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SAC
CH9520A - St Gregory of Nazianzus: Orator, Theologian, Bishop Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 SAC
CT1400A - The Theology of the Fathers Undergraduate Level 1 CT 18.0 SAC
CT1610A - Patristic Thought for Christian Life Undergraduate Level 1 CT 18.0 SAC
CT2530A - Pillars of Orthodoxy – The Alexandrian Fathers Undergraduate Level 2 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3300A - “The Wound of Love”: the Experiential and Mystical Spirituality of St Macarius Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3520A - St Gregory of Nazianzus: Orator, Theologian, Bishop Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3620A - Eucharist in the Early Church and Coptic Tradition Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3700A - Christological teaching of the church of Alexandria (Coptic Church), Past and present Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3710A - Jesus Christ in the Asian Context Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3720A - Jesus Christ at the Margins Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT8400A - The Theology of the Fathers Postgraduate Foundational CT 24.0 SAC
CT8530A - Pillars of Orthodoxy – The Alexandrian Fathers Postgraduate Foundational CT 24.0 SAC
CT8610A - Patristic Thought for Christian Life Postgraduate Foundational CT 24.0 SAC
CT9300A - “The Wound of Love”: The Experiential and Mystical Spirituality of St. Macarius Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SAC
CT9520A - St Gregory of Nazianzus: Orator, Theologian, Bishop Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SAC
CT9710A - Jesus Christ in the Asian Context Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SAC
CT9720A - Jesus Christ at the Margins Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 SAC
DA1110A - Ministry to Teens and Youth Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 SAC
DA8110A - Ministry to Teens and Youth Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 SAC
DL1210A - The Liturgies of the Oriental Orthodox Church Undergraduate Level 1 DL 18.0 SAC
DL3330A - Mary in the Coptic Tradition Undergraduate Level 3 DL 18.0 SAC