Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
AH3150A - Saints and Sinners: Women in Late Antiquity Undergraduate Level 3 AH 18.0 SAC
AH8002W - Colonization and Decolonization Postgraduate Foundational AH 24.0 WHT
AH9150A - Saints and Sinners: Women in Late Antiquity Postgraduate Elective AH 24.0 SAC
AL1002Z - Reading the Bible 2: Introduction to Biblical Languages Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 SFC
AL1011Y - New Testament Greek A Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 YTU
AL1012Y - New Testament Greek B Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 YTU
AL1031Y - Theological German A Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 YTU
AL1032Y - Theological German B Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 YTU
AL1200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic I Undergraduate Level 1 AL 18.0 SAC
AL2200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic II Undergraduate Level 2 AL 18.0 SAC
AL2744Z - New Testament Greek B Undergraduate Level 2 AL 18.0 UCLT
AL3700A - Advanced Syriac Undergraduate Level 3 AL 18.0 SAC
AL8002Z - Reading the Bible 2: Introduction to Biblical Languages Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 SFC
AL8011Y - New Testament Greek A Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8012Y - New Testament Greek B Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8032Y - Theological German B Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 YTU
AL8200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic I Postgraduate Foundational AL 24.0 SAC
AL9200A - Coptic Language: Bohairic II Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 SAC
AL9700A - Advanced Syriac Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 SAC
AL9744Z - New Testament Greek B Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 UCLT
AP2820Y - Hope in Dark Times: The Hopeful and Apocalyptic Imaginations Undergraduate Level 2 AP 18.0 YTU
AP3200Y - The Human Person as Neighbour: Towards a Theological Politics of Hospitality Undergraduate Level 3 AP 18.0 YTU
AP3341Y - Doing Justice in Theory and Practice Undergraduate Level 3 AP 18.0 YTU
AP3820Y - Hope in Dark Times: The Hopeful and Apocalyptic Imaginations Undergraduate Level 3 AP 18.0 YTU
AP3830Y - Objections to Christian Belief Undergraduate Level 3 AP 18.0 YTU
AP9200Y - The Human Person as Neighbour: Towards a Philosophy and Theology of Hospitality Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 YTU
AP9820Y - Hope in Dark Times: The Hopeful and Apocalyptic Imaginations Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 YTU
AR1150P - Who are our Neighbours? Multicultural Difference and Interreligious Relationship Undergraduate Level 1 AR 18.0 PIL
AR3000T - Understanding Religion in Australian Society Undergraduate Level 3 AR 18.0 TRI
AR9000T - Understanding Religion in Australian Society Postgraduate Elective AR 24.0 TRI
BA1000Y - Entering the World of the Old Testament: Survey and Method Undergraduate Level 1 BA 18.0 YTU
BA1100A - Introduction to the Old Testament Undergraduate Level 1 BA 18.0 SAC
BA2001Z - Becoming the People of God: The Pentateuch in Context Undergraduate Level 2 BA 18.0 SFC
BA2010Y - Pentateuch: Exploring History and Faith Undergraduate Level 2 BA 18.0 YTU
BA2013Y - The Book of Isaiah Undergraduate Level 2 BA 18.0 YTU
BA2013Z - Praying the Psalms: Theology, Poetry, and Liturgy Undergraduate Level 2 BA 18.0 SFC
BA2436S - Preaching Genesis Undergraduate Level 2 BA 18.0 STC
BA3013Y - The Book of Isaiah Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BA3436S - Preaching Genesis Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 STC
BA8000Y - Entering the World of the Old Testament: Survey and Method Postgraduate Foundational BA 24.0 YTU
BA8100A - Introduction to the Old Testament Postgraduate Foundational BA 24.0 SAC
BA9001Z - Becoming the People of God: The Pentateuch in Context Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 SFC
BA9010Y - Pentateuch: Exploring History and Faith Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 YTU
BA9013Y - The Book of Isaiah Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 YTU
BA9023Z - Praying the Psalms: Theology, Poetry, and Liturgy Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 SFC
BA9436S - Preaching Genesis Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 STC
BN1000Y - Entering the World of the New Testament Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 YTU
BN1500A - "Women are to be silent"? Voices of Women in the New Testament and in Orthodox Christianity. Undergraduate Level 1 BN 18.0 SAC
BN2002Z - Stories of the Early Christians: The Synoptic Gospels and Acts Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 SFC
BN2013Y - The Gospel of John Undergraduate Level 2 BN 18.0 YTU