Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
AH9111P - Thinking Otherwise: Feminist Theologies Postgraduate Elective AH 24.0 PIL
AH9445P - Co-operative Cafe Postgraduate Elective AH 24.0 PIL
AL9000P - Advanced Greek Reading Postgraduate Elective AL 24.0 PIL
AP9170P - Modern Self as Subject Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
AP9500P - Time with Plato Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
AP9600P - Hermeneutics Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
AP9720P - Greek Sources of Western Thought Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
AP9750P - Belief after Philosophy: Postmodernism and Religious Faith Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
AP9759P - Belief after Philosophy: Postmodernism and Religious Faith Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
AP9850P - God's Existence: Defensible or Delusion? Postgraduate Elective AP 24.0 PIL
BA9020P - Psalms: Exegetical and Theological Study Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 PIL
BA9040P - Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 PIL
BA9049P - Gender, Justice, Empire: Contextual Readings of the OT Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 PIL
BA9070P - Ruth, Esther, Song of Songs, Judith, Susannah: Allusive, Unconventional, Subversive, Resistant Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 PIL
BA9080P - Re-Reading Genesis: Promise, Power and Politics Postgraduate Elective BA 24.0 PIL
BN9000P - Advanced Greek Reading Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 PIL
BN9030P - Mark's Gospel in Context Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 PIL
BN9050P - Luke-Acts Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 PIL
BN9060P - Reading Romans: Exegesis, Theology, Context Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 PIL
BN9130P - The Book of Revelation: Evil, Empire, and Eschatology Postgraduate Elective BN 24.0 PIL
BS9010P - Reading and Interpreting the Bible in Contemporary Times Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
BS9019P - Reading and Interpreting the Bible in Contemporary Times Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
BS9059P - Reading and Interpreting Isaiah Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
BS9060P - The In-between Books: The Jewish Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
BS9100P - What are Biblical Values? Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
BS9111P - Thinking Otherwise: Feminist Theologies Postgraduate Elective BS 24.0 PIL
CH9040P - Reason and Revival in Asia-Pasifika Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9060P - Radical Legacies: Faith, Activism and Social Change Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9069P - Radical Legacies: Faith, Activism and Social Change Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9092P - Bonhoeffer's Theology in Historical Context Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9100Z - The Cracking of Christendom: Histories and Theologies of the Reformation Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9405P - Living by the Rule: Benedictine Life in Australia Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CH9445P - Co-operative Cafe Postgraduate Elective CH 24.0 PIL
CT8158P - Theologies of Oceania Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9000P - Trinity, Society and Dialogue Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9001P - Queer Theology Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9020P - Doctrine, Truth and Pluralism Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9025P - Jesus, Discipleship and Justice Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9040P - A Changed Climate for Theology: Ecological Challenges and Opportunities for the Christian Tradition Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9070P - Jesus the Christ in World Christian Perspective Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9092P - Bonhoeffer's Theology in Historical Context Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9100Z - The Cracking of Christendom: Histories and Theologies of the Reformation Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9111P - Thinking Otherwise: Feminist Theologies Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9321P - Doing Theology in Public Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
CT9400P - Shoulder to Shoulder: Readings in Feminist Theology Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 PIL
DL9000P - Baptism, Eucharist & Ministry: Visible Words, Enacted Beliefs Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 PIL
DL9400P - Liturgy Lab Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 PIL
DL9401P - Readings in Liturgical Theology Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 PIL
DM9070P - Jesus the Christ in World Christian Perspective Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 PIL
DM9158P - Theologies of Oceania Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 PIL