Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
CT9029W - Suffering, Faith, and Theodicy Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
CT9033W - Lives of Faith: Biography as Theology Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
CT9038W - The God of Fiction Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
CT9039W - Creation Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
CT9051W - War, Trauma and Peace-making Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
CT9102W - Further Methods in Theological Discourse Postgraduate Elective CT 24.0 WHT
DA1001W - Living the Faith Undergraduate Level 1 DA 18.0 WHT
DA3039W - Creation Undergraduate Level 3 DA 18.0 WHT
DA8001W - Living the Faith Postgraduate Foundational DA 24.0 WHT
DA9039W - Creation Postgraduate Elective DA 24.0 WHT
DD8203W - Art of Spiritual Companioning 2 Postgraduate Foundational DD 48.0 WHT
DD9204W - Art of Spiritual Companioning 3 Postgraduate Elective DD 48.0 WHT
DL2002W - Homiletics Undergraduate Level 2 DL 18.0 WHT
DL3002W - Homiletics Undergraduate Level 3 DL 18.0 WHT
DL3040W - Worship 3.0 Undergraduate Level 3 DL 18.0 WHT
DL9002W - Homiletics Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 WHT
DL9040W - Worship 3.0 Postgraduate Elective DL 24.0 WHT
DM0134W - Evangelism Outside the Box Diploma DM 18.0 WHT
DM2007W - Christian Leadership in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Context Undergraduate Level 2 DM 18.0 WHT
DM2018W - Biblical Perspectives on Poverty and Transformational Development Undergraduate Level 2 DM 18.0 WHT
DM2036W - Global Mission Today Undergraduate Level 2 DM 18.0 WHT
DM2080W - World Christianity and Spirituality: Narratives of Human Flourishing Undergraduate Level 2 DM 18.0 WHT
DM2726W - Pioneering Leadership Undergraduate Level 2 DM 18.0 WHT
DM3007W - Christian Leadership in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Context Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 WHT
DM3025W - Reading Scripture Interculturally Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 WHT
DM3036W - Global Mission Today Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 WHT
DM3052W - The Anabaptist Vision Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 WHT
DM3080W - World Christianity and Spirituality: Narratives of Human Flourishing Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 WHT
DM3726W - Pioneering Leadership Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 WHT
DM9007W - Christian Leadership in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Context Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DM9018W - Biblical Perspectives on Poverty and Transformational Development Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DM9025W - Reading Scripture Interculturally Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DM9036W - Global Mission Today Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DM9052W - The Anabaptist Vision Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DM9080W - World Christianity and Spirituality: Narratives of Human Flourishing Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DM9726W - Pioneering Leadership Postgraduate Elective DM 24.0 WHT
DP0128W - Reading the Bible in Context Diploma DP 18.0 WHT
DP0129W - Leadership in Community and Worship Diploma DP 18.0 WHT
DP0136W - Growing as Disciples A Diploma DP 18.0 WHT
DP0137W - Growing as Disciples B Diploma DP 18.0 WHT
DP0161W - Church, Culture and Hermeneutics I - Identity and Belonging Diploma DP 18.0 WHT
DP0162W - Church, Culture and Hermeneutics II - Beyond Ourselves Diploma DP 18.0 WHT
DP1103W - Introduction to Pastoral Theology Undergraduate Level 1 DP 18.0 WHT
DP2001W - Foundations of Spiritual and Pastoral Care Undergraduate Level 2 DP 18.0 WHT
DP2007W - Christian Leadership in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Context Undergraduate Level 2 DP 18.0 WHT
DP2046W - Practical Leadership for Pastoral Ministry Undergraduate Level 2 DP 18.0 WHT
DP3003W - Pastoral Care: Communal Response Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 WHT
DP3004W - Pastoral and Spiritual Care in suffering, grief & loss Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 WHT
DP3007W - Christian Leadership in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Context Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 WHT
DP3009W - Theology and the Arts Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 WHT