Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
DS0101W - Experiencing God Part 1 Diploma DS 18.0 WHT
DS0102W - Experiencing God Part 2 Diploma DS 18.0 WHT
DS1002W - Patterns in the Practice of Spirituality Undergraduate Level 1 DS 18.0 WHT
DS1201W - Art of Contemplative Practice 1 Undergraduate Level 1 DS 18.0 WHT
DS2002W - Patterns in the Practice of Spirituality Undergraduate Level 2 DS 18.0 WHT
DS3008W - Spirituality Transforming Life Undergraduate Level 3 DS 18.0 WHT
DS3021W - Spirituality of Everyday life Undergraduate Level 3 DS 18.0 WHT
DS3035W - Australian Spirituality Undergraduate Level 3 DS 18.0 WHT
DS3205W - Action and Contemplation: The Art of Christian Engagement Undergraduate Level 3 DS 18.0 WHT
DS3208W - Mapping the Soul with the Enneagram Undergraduate Level 3 DS 18.0 WHT
DS8002W - Patterns in the Practice of Spirituality Postgraduate Foundational DS 24.0 WHT
DS8050W - Indigenous Spirituality and Christian Discipleship Postgraduate Foundational DS 24.0 WHT
DS8201W - Art of Contemplative Practice 1 Postgraduate Foundational DS 24.0 WHT
DS9008W - Spirituality Transforming Life Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9021W - Spirituality of Everyday life Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9030W - Spiritual formation: Shaping the teachers and leaders of tomorrow Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9035W - Australian Spirituality Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9202W - Art of Contemplative Practice 2 Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9205W - Action and Contemplation: The Art of Christian Engagement Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9207W - Engaging Groups in Creative Contemplation Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT
DS9208W - Mapping the Soul with the Enneagram Postgraduate Elective DS 24.0 WHT