Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
BA3010Y - Pentateuch: Exploring History and Faith Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BA3011Y - Psalms Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BA3012Y - Wisdom Literature Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BA3018Y - Justice, Mercy and Theodicy in the Old Testament Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BA3019Y - The Book of Jeremiah Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BA3021Y - Exile, trauma and the presence of God: the book of Ezekiel Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 YTU
BN3010Y - The Corinthian Correspondence Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3011Y - Luke-Acts Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3012Y - Matthew Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
BN3017Y - Romans Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 YTU
CH3012Y - Introduction to Early Christian Art and Architecture Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 YTU
CH3212Y - Art History and Spirituality in Western Europe Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 YTU
CT3012Y - The Triune God Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3310Y - Signs and gifts of God: Sacraments of life and church Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3350Y - Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
DC3011Y - Canon Law A Undergraduate Level 3 DC 18.0 YTU
DC3012Y - Canon Law B Undergraduate Level 3 DC 18.0 YTU
DL3423Y - Proclaiming the Word of God Undergraduate Level 3 DL 18.0 YTU
DM3016Y - Liberating Mission: When Gospel meets Culture Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 YTU
DS3212Y - Art History and Spirituality in Western Europe Undergraduate Level 3 DS 18.0 YTU
DT3012Y - Justice and Human Rights Undergraduate Level 3 DT 18.0 YTU