Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
BA3006L - The Pentateuch Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 ALC
BA3008L - Prophets Undergraduate Level 3 BA 18.0 ALC
BN3003L - Gospel Studies 2: Luke and John Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 ALC
BN3011L - Pauline Letters Undergraduate Level 3 BN 18.0 ALC
BS3020L - Biblical Theology Undergraduate Level 3 BS 18.0 ALC
CH3003L - Reform of the Church Undergraduate Level 3 CH 18.0 ALC
CT3006L - Formula of Concord Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 ALC
CT3007L - Apologetics and World Religions Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 ALC
CT3009L - Sanctification Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 ALC
CT3010L - Creation and Redemption Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 ALC
CT3011L - Moral Theology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 ALC
CT3021L - Christian Spirituality: A Lutheran Perspective Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 ALC
DE3012L - The Practice of Lutheran Education Undergraduate Level 3 DE 18.0 ALC
DM3007L - Lutheran Perspectives in Missiology Undergraduate Level 3 DM 18.0 ALC
DP3003L - Pastoral Theology 2 Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3005L - Pastoral Theology 1 Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3006L - Pastoral Care and Counselling Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3015L - Preaching the Word Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3021L - Writing and Preaching a Sermon in Ministry Context Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3022L - Leading Worship and Pastoral Acts in Ministry Context Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3023L - Teaching the Christian Faith in Ministry Context Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3024L - Pastoral Care and Visitation in Ministry Context Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3025L - Administration and Leadership in Ministry Context Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3032L - Supervised Theological Field Education Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
DP3033L - Supervised Theological Field Education 2 Undergraduate Level 3 DP 18.0 ALC
XP3001L - Undergraduate Integrative Capstone Undergraduate Level 3 XP 18.0 ALC