Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
DR1007C - Leadership for Transformation and Social Change Undergraduate Level 1 DR 18.0 CTC
DR2303C - Theology and Religious Education through Art Undergraduate Level 2 DR 18.0 CTC
DR2306C - Praying with Art: Visual Literacy for Enhancing Christian Prayer Undergraduate Level 2 DR 18.0 CTC
DR3303C - Theology and Religious Education through Art Undergraduate Level 3 DR 18.0 CTC
DR3304C - Reimagining Creation and Incarnation through Art Undergraduate Level 3 DR 18.0 CTC
DR3306C - Praying with Art: Visual Literacy for Enhancing Christian Prayer Undergraduate Level 3 DR 18.0 CTC
DR3418M - Supervised Reading Unit: Religious Education Undergraduate Level 3 DR 18.0 UD
DR8007C - Leadership for Transformation and Social Change Postgraduate Foundational DR 24.0 CTC
DR8013L - The Practice of Lutheran Education Postgraduate Foundational DR 18.0 ALC
DR8040L - Leading Christian Studies Postgraduate Foundational DR 12.0 ALC
DR8600C - Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Religious Education Postgraduate Foundational DR 16.0 CTC
DR8603Y - Foundations of Religious Education Postgraduate Foundational DR 16.0 YTU
DR8605Y - Integrative Exercise Postgraduate Foundational DR 8.0 YTU
DR8640Z - Introduction to Religious Education for Teachers Postgraduate Foundational DR 18.0 YTU and CTC
DR8663Y - Foundations of Religious Education Postgraduate Foundational DR 18.0 YTU
DR9016C - Catholic Pedagogy in Religious Education Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 CTC
DR9032L - Teaching and Leading Christian Studies Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 ALC
DR9040L - Leading Christian Studies Postgraduate Elective DR 12.0 ALC
DR9260C - Children's Spirituality and Refugee Experience - A Practical Theology Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 CTC
DR9303C - Theology and Religious Education through Art Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 CTC
DR9304C - Reimagining Creation and Incarnation through Art Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 CTC
DR9306C - Praying with Art: Visual Literacy for Enhancing Christian Prayer Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 CTC
DR9401J - Ignatian Pedagogy: Future Orientations Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 JCS
DR9409J - Ignatian Pedagogy: Future Orientations Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 JCS
DR9424M - Supervised Reading Unit: Religious Education Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 UD
DR9663Y - Leadership for Mission in a Catholic School Postgraduate Elective DR 24.0 YTU