
This capstone unit is an opportunity for students to draw together and demonstrate in some meaningful way what they have learned throughout their award. The topic of any individual’s research project will be the result of negotiation between the student and their supervisor, and will draw from and build upon specific content and skill sets of the student’s previous units as well as individual reading and research undertaken as part of the project process. A literature review will be a required part of the unit.

Unit code: XP9004L

Unit status: Approved (Major revision)

Points: 24.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Capstone

Unit discipline: Capstone Other P

Delivery Mode: Online

Proposing College: Australian Lutheran College

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Learning outcomes


Design and implement a project which demonstrates advanced skills and knowledge appropriate to the focus of the project and the award


Demonstrate critical understanding of relevant scholarship in theology and, where applicable, the professional/vocational context of the project


Investigate, analyse, synthesise and communicate complex information and theories in an interdisciplinary environment


Apply relevant theological insights to professional or academic contexts in order to contribute to professional practice or scholarship

Unit sequence

Course relationship: A capstone unit in postgraduate theology, ministry and education courses

Prerequisites: Only permitted in the final two semesters of the course

Prohibited combinations: XP9001L Masters Capstone: Extended Project


In this capstone the student negotiates a project topic and form which satisfies the learning outcomes. The key teaching role is akin to supervision. It is anticipated that the student will meet or in some way interact with the supervisor for an average of an hour per week (calculated on the basis of 12 teaching weeks).

Indicative Bibliography

  • Cameron, Helen. Theological reflection for human flourishing: pastoral practice and public theology. London: SCM Press, 2012.
  • Fink, A. Conducting research literature reviews: from the internet to the paper. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2014.
  • Koshy, Valsa. Action research for improving educational practice: a step-by-step guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE, 2010.
  • McAlpin, Kathleen. Ministry that transforms: a contemplative process of theological reflection. Collegeville, PA: The Liturgical Press, 2009.
  • Northey, Margot, Bradford A. Anderson, and Joel N. Lohr. Making sense in religious studies: a student's guide to research and writing. 3rd ed. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press Canada, 2018.
  • Thompson, Judith, Stephen Pattison, and Ross Thomson. SCM study guide to theological reflection. London: SCM Press, 2008.
  • White, Barry. Mapping your thesis: the comprehensive manual of theory and techniques for masters and doctoral research. Camberwell, VIC: Acer Press, 2011.
  • Whitehead, James D., and Evelyn Easton Whitehead. Method in ministry: theological reflection and Christian ministry. Rev. and updated. Kansas City, MO: Sheed & Ward, 1995.
  • Yaghjian, L. Writing theology well: a rhetoric for theological and biblical writers. 2nd ed. New York: Continuum, 2015.


Type Description Word count Weight (%)

A project which includes a proposal (including oral), literature review, research component and report

8000 100.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Maggie Kappelhoff on 3 Sep, 2021

Unit record last updated: 2021-09-03 16:05:40 +1000