
This short unit will assist participants to explore leadership theories in practice and especially how to develop and lead effective teams. The course will cover the following topics:

  1. Leadership theories and frameworks
  2. Leading effective teams
  3. Leading with diversity
  4. Achieving outcomes beyond expectations

Unit code: LE8802Z

Unit status: Approved (New unit)

Points: 12.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Foundational

Unit discipline: Leadership

Delivery Mode: Blended

Proposing College: Uniting College for Leadership and Theology

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Learning outcomes


Discuss leadership theories and concepts as they apply to practical situations


Leverage diverse skills, qualities, and capabilities in teams to achieve agreed outcomes


Evaluate team dynamics to inform improvements to team relationships and outcomes


Respond to feedback on their team engagement and incorporate them to improve own leadership practices

Unit sequence

This is the second core unit in the Graduate Certificate in Leadership - Organisational Leadership Stream. There is no pre-requisite unit.


The teaching is a blended approach in which most of the teaching material will be available on line and accessible for the duration of the teaching period. Weekly webinars will with a tutor will be provided at a set time in the middle of the week to discuss further the teaching material and answer questions. In the middle of the teaching period there is a one day workshop that is preferably face to face to discuss the application of the theories and concepts in a hands-on approach.

Indicative Bibliography

Northouse, P.G. (2018). Leadership – Theory and Practice (8th Ed.) SAGE. Haddad, A.P. (2015). Arise to Lead: 5 Fundamentals to Becoming an Effective Leader. High Bridge Books


Type Description Word count Weight (%)
Case Study

The student will analyse a case study and provide their insights and reflections online and then respond to at least two other students' case study responses.

500 20.0
Case Study - Team Development Plan

The student will analyse a case study and develop a Team Development Plan. This includes team and team members assessments, analysis, and reflections on their qualities, values, skill-mix and team-fit and setting up a plan for better getting the team to work in a more effective manner to achieve outcomes in a set timeframe .

2500 80.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 25 May, 2023

Unit record last updated: 2025-01-22 12:29:04 +1100