
This unit will enable students to articulate a theology of vocation as they engage with a range of biblical, theological and contextual resources. Students will also reflect upon experiential contexts in a posture of exploration, experiment and discernment regarding future purposeful vocation. Experiential contexts may include: work experience in fields of interest, areas of perceived passion / giftedness, volunteering to meet a community need. Key theological and formational issues will be explored e.g. discerning vocation, identity and character, teamwork, reflective practice, theology of work, spiritual disciplines.

Unit code: DP8014S

Unit status: Approved (Major revision)

Points: 24.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Foundational

Unit discipline: Pastoral Theology and Ministry Studies

Delivery Mode: Face to Face

Proposing College: Stirling College

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Learning outcomes


Analyse core aspects of their operational theology and spiritual identity through group work and peer reflection.


Critically evaluate a range of personal and theological perspectives on vocational motivation, giftedness and call as they articulate a theologically coherent understanding of vocation.


Integrate reflective practice and demonstrate self-awareness in their vocational setting


Critically evaluate current scholarship in the area of vocation, calling and purpose.


Students are encouraged to engage together with texts and classroom lecture input to develop their theological understanding of vocation and to these apply resources to experiential contexts (such as work placement, field of interest, perceived passion / giftedness, volunteering etc.). Set readings, group work, discussion and theological reflective practice methods are utilised to provide a framework for engaging with the concepts of calling and vocation.

Indicative Bibliography

Allender, Dan. B. To Be Told. God Invites you to Co-author Your Future. New York: WaterBrook Press, 2005

Garber, Stephen. Visions of Vocation: Common Grace for the Common Good. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press, 2014.

Keller, Timothy. Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God's Work. New York: Dutton, 2012.

Maros, Susan. Calling in Context: Social Location and Vocational Formation, Downers Grover, IL: IVP Academic, 2022.

Neff, Megan. A. and McMinn, Mark, R. Embodying Integration: A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room, Downers Grover, IL: IVP Academic, 2020.

Palmer, Parker, J. Let Your Life Speak. Listening for the Voice of Vocation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000.

Schuurman, Douglas J. Vocation. Discerning Our Callings in Life. Grand Rapids MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2004.

Schwehn, Mark R. and Bass, Dorothy C. (Editors) Leading Lives That Matter. What We Should Do and Who We Should Be. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2006.

Veith, Gene Edward Jr. God at Work. Your Christian Vocation in all of Life. Crossway, Illinois, 2002.

Willard, Dallas. The Spirit of the Disciplines: Understanding How God Changes Lives. HarperOne, 1990.


Type Description Word count Weight (%)

750 word experiential journal summary

750 15.0
Oral Presentation

1500 word group reading report and response

1500 30.0

750 word experiential journal summary

750 15.0

3000 word integrative essay

3000 40.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 2 Sep, 2022

Unit record last updated: 2022-09-02 13:37:50 +1000