
Service-Learning and Community Engagement (S-LCE) recognises that schools are shaped by their context and have multiple community connections (local, church, global). This unit explores these connections. The theological topics include aspects of creation and ongoing creation, focusing on community, reciprocity and relationships.

The overarching question ‘Who is my neighbour?’ challenges students to examine schools’ existing community connections as well as to identify the skills and attributes required for all to be active learners and respectful social and environmental contributors.

Unit code: DE8041L

Unit status: Approved (Minor revision)

Points: 12.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Foundational

Unit discipline: Education Studies

Delivery Mode: Online

Proposing College: Australian Lutheran College

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Learning outcomes


Investigate local community needs and resources in order to identify opportunities for enhancing reciprocal community engagement


Summarise and evaluate age-appropriate cross-cultural skills, knowledge and processes that enhance intercultural understanding and develop empathy


Describe the underlying principles and the processes for establishing effective partnerships between educational institutions and community agencies and apply them to evaluate one or more agency-partner choices


The pedagogical approach for the unit emphasises theological reflection, action research and site visits/experiential learning in order to develop culturally appropriate, relational and reciprocal community-oriented practices.

Indicative Bibliography

  • Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority. The Australian Curriculum.
  • Bartsch, Malcolm. A God who speaks and acts: theology for teachers in Lutheran schools. North Adelaide, SA: Lutheran Education Australia, 2013.
  • Beard, Colin, and John P. Wilson. Experiential learning: a handbook for education, training and coaching. 3rd ed. London, UK: Kogan Page Publishers, 2013.
  • Christenson, T. The gift and task of Lutheran higher education. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2004.
  • Clayton, Patti H., and Lori E. Kniffin. An introduction to service-learning and community engagement as co-inquiry, 2017. Accessed 2 April 2019.
  • D’Orsa, J., and T. D’Orsa. Explorers, guides and meaning-makers: mission theology for Catholic educators. Mulgrave, VIC: Garratt Publishing, 2013.
  • Keller, Timothy. Generous justice: how God’s grace makes us just. London, UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 1984.
  • Lavery, Shane, Dianne Chambers, and Glenda Cain, eds. Service-learning: enhancing inclusive education. International Perspectives on Inclusive Education, vol. 12. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Ltd, 2018.
  • Marshall, Christopher D. Compassionate justice: an interdisciplinary dialogue with two gospel parables on law, crime and restorative justice. Theopolitical Visions, vol. 15. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2012.
  • Murdoch, K. The power of inquiry: teaching and learning with curiosity, creativity and purpose in the contemporary classroom. Northcote, VIC: Seastar Education, 2015.
    • Peterson, Eugene H. Christ plays in ten thousand places: a conversation in spiritual theology. Part 3. London, UK: Hodder & Stoughton, 2005.


Type Description Word count Weight (%)

Investigation 3000 words or equivalent

3000 100.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 6 Sep, 2023

Unit record last updated: 2023-09-06 11:24:49 +1000