
This is a thematic unit drawing material from the disciplines of biblical studies, systematic theology, history and education. It is an introduction to Lutheran education considered from a number of perspectives: the history of the Lutheran Church of Australia with an emphasis on the history of the development of the Lutheran school system; the Bible as the key theological text for the church and its schools; and areas of systematic theology which underpin practice in schools. The topic of creation is used as a framework to integrate biblical, theological and educational material in order to facilitate understanding of the core nature and practice of an authentic Lutheran school. This is the first in a series of three units with this overarching purpose.

Unit code: DE8004L

Unit status: Archived (New unit)

Points: 24.0

Unit level: Postgraduate Foundational

Unit discipline: Education Studies

Delivery Mode: Online

Proposing College: Australian Lutheran College

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Learning outcomes


Outline a brief history of Lutheran schooling in Australia including key influences and discussion of the consistent and changing nature of the schools


Demonstrate a foundational understanding of a range of approaches to the study of biblical texts


Identify key components that comprise a Lutheran understanding of the doctrine of creation


Examine an educational issue(s) in the light of a Lutheran approach to anthropology and the doctrine of creation, and compose a theologically-sound response


Online—engagement with online learning materials, including audio/video, tasks, forums, and asynchronous discussion with lecturer.

Indicative Bibliography

  • The Bible, preferably the NRSV or the TNIV. (recommended for purchase)
  • Bartsch, Malcolm. 2013. A God who speaks and acts: theology for teachers in Lutheran schools. North Adelaide, SA: Lutheran Education Australia.. (recommended for purchase)
  • Drane, John. 2011. Introducing the Old Testament. 3rd ed. Oxford, UK Lion. (recommended for purchase)
  • ———. 2010. Introducing the New Testament. 3rd ed. Oxford, UK: Lion. (recommended for purchase)
  • Bartsch, Malcolm. 2001. Why a Lutheran school?: education and theology in dialogue. North Adelaide, SA: Board for Lutheran Schools.
  • Braaten, Carl E. 2007. Principles of Lutheran theology. 2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
  • Burge, Gary M, Lynn H. Cohick, and Gene L. Green. 2009. The New Testament in antiquity. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
  • Hebart, Friedemann. 2000. One in the gospel: the Formula of Concord for our day. 2nd ed. Adelaide, SA: Openbook. [Löhe Memorial Library also holds an eBook, 3rd ed., 2015, of this text]
  • Kolb, Robert. 1993. The Christian faith: a Lutheran exposition. St Louis, MO: Concordia.
  • Kolb, Robert, and Charles Arand. 2008. The genius of Luther’s theology: a Wittenberg way of thinking for the contemporary church. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic.
  • Leske, Everard. 2009. For faith and freedom: the story of Lutherans and Lutheranism in Australia 1938-1996. Bowden SA: Friends of Lutheran Archives.
  • McGrath, Alister E. 2011. Christian theology: an introduction. 5th ed. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. [Available as ebook from Löhe Memorial Library]
  • Peters, Ted. 2000. God—the world’s future: systematic theology in a postmodern era. 2nd ed. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
  • Schwarz, Hans. 2002. Creation. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.


Type Description Word count Weight (%)

Essay—3,000 words Apply biblical and theological material on the doctrine of creation to inform discussion on one or more education issues

3000 50.0

Essay—1,000 words Demonstrates the key -purposes, influences and factors in the historical development of Lutheran schools in Australia. Analyse the impact of these in terms of constancy and change.

1000 20.0

Portfolio—2,000 words A number of tasks demonstrating various literary techniques used in the Bible e.g. chiasm, parallel panels, development of plot, deliberate ambiguity

2000 30.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by John Capper on 19 Oct, 2017

Unit record last updated: 2019-10-31 14:59:15 +1100