
This unit provides a thorough study of Luke’s Gospel, including its theological and literary character, its wider Greco-Roman and Jewish context and connections and an overview of recent trends in Lukan studies, as a basis for detailed exegetical analysis of selected texts.

Unit code: BN3003W

Unit status: Approved (New unit)

Points: 18.0

Unit level: Undergraduate Level 3

Unit discipline: New Testament

Proposing College: Whitley College

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Learning outcomes


Give an informed and critical account of the history of interpretation of Luke’s Gospel


Analyse the socio-political and literary context in which the Gospel first circulated;


Identify distinctive Lukan Christological, ecclesiological, pneumatological, missiological and eschatological themes and understandings


Exegete the Lukan text by employing a range of appropriate exegetical methods and resources;


Discuss the interpretation and proclamation of Luke’s Gospel in meaningful ways for today’s world.

Unit sequence

Introductory unit in NT (BN1001W or equivalent), plus one other biblical unit


lectures, discussion, seminars

Indicative Bibliography

  • Byrne, Brendan. The Hospitality of God. A reading of Luke’s Gospel. Strathfield: St Pauls, 2000.
  • Chen, Diane G. Luke. Eugene: Cascade, 2017.
  • Esler, Philip. Community and Gospel in Luke-Acts: The social and political motivations of Lukan theology. Cambridge: CUP, 1987.
  • Green, Joel B. Discovering Luke Content, Interpretation, Reception. London: SPCK, 2021.
  • Gooder, Paula. The Parables. Norwich: Canterbury Press, 2020.
  • Jerkins, Marcus. Black Lives Matter to Jesus : The Salvation of Black Life and All Life in Luke and Acts. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Fortress Press, 2021.
  • Karris, Robert J. Eating your way through Luke’s Gospel Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2006.
  • Levine, Amy-Jill. A Feminist Companion to Luke London: Sheffield Academic Press, 2002.
  • Levine, Amy-Jill, and Ben Witherington. The Gospel of Luke. New Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
  • Lieu, Judith. The Gospel of Luke (Epworth Commentary) London: Epworth Press, 2012.
  • Tannehill, Robert C. The narrative unity of Luke-Acts, a literary interpretation, vol. 1: The Gospel according to Luke Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1986.


Type Description Word count Weight (%)
Seminar or Tutorial - One 1,000 word thematic seminar paper 1000 25.0
Critical Review - One 1,000 word critical review of readings 1000 25.0
Exegetical Essay - One 3,000 word exegetical essay 3000 50.0

Unit approved for the University of Divinity by Prof Albert Haddad on 18 Sep, 2024

Unit record last updated: 2024-09-18 08:01:22 +1000