Campus: Box Hill
Mode: Blended
Delivery Notes:

Tuesday, 6pm Week 1: General introduction to the course Week 2: The World and literature of the New Testament Week 3: The development of the Gospels Week 4: Biblical exegesis—reading the text Week 5: The Gospel of Mark—an overview Week 6: The Gospels of Matthew—an overview Week 7: Luke-Acts—an overview Week 8: Particular themes from the synoptic Gospels Week 9: Johannine literature Week 10: Paul and the Pauline letters Week 11: Some thoughts on and insights into the book of Revelation Week 12: Revision, students' presentations, and concluding remarks.

Contact hours 36
Total time commitment 150
Start date 24 Feb, 2025
Census date: 18 Mar, 2025
End date: 13 Jun, 2025
Academic staff: Rev Dr Francis Otobo

Perkins, Pheme. Reading the New Testament. 3rd ed. Revised and Updated. New York: Paulist, 2012. (recommended for purchase, available through Amazon or Book Depository) Boring, Eugene. An Introduction to the New Testament: History, Literature, Theology. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2012.

Unit code: BN1000Y

Unit status: Approved (Major revision)

Points: 18.0

Unit level: Undergraduate Level 1

Unit discipline: New Testament

Delivery Mode: Blended

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