Unit Scheduled Unit level Discipline Points Proposing college(s)
CT3111C - The Sacramental Theology of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3121C - Eucharist and Anointing Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3131C - Baptism Confirmation and Penance Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3139B - Imagined Futures in Popular Culture Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC
CT3141C - Marriage and Orders Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3149B - Humanity 3.0: Theological Responses to Transhumanism and Posthumanism Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC
CT3200Y - The Human Person as Neighbour: Towards a Philosophy and Theology of Hospitality Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3201C - Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God A Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3202C - Jesus Christ: Revealer of the Triune God B Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3210C - God: Origin and End Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3210T - Christology: Beauty and Salvation Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3219T - Christology: Beauty and Salvation Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3220C - Theology of the Human Person Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3220T - Political Theologies of the Neighbour Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3229T - Political Theologies of the Neighbour Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3230C - The History and Theology of Marian Doctrine and Devotion Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3296B - Foundations of Wesleyan Theology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC
CT3297B - The Triune God Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC
CT3298B - The Theology of Catherine Booth in its Historical and Contemporary Contexts Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC
CT3300A - “The Wound of Love”: the Experiential and Mystical Spirituality of St Macarius Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3303C - Theology and Religious Education through Art Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 CTC
CT3310T - The Doctrine of the Trinity Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3310Y - Signs and gifts of God: Sacraments of life and church Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3311B - Theology of Catherine Booth Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC
CT3320Y - Mary in the Christian Tradition Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3321P - Doing Theology in Public Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 PIL
CT3332Y - Liberating Mission: When Gospel meets Culture Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3333T - Faith, Work, and Economics Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3341Y - Doing Justice in Theory and Practice Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3350Y - Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3400P - Shoulder to Shoulder: Readings in Feminist Theology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 PIL
CT3418M - Supervised Reading Unit: Systematic Theology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 UD
CT3436M - Supervised Reading Unit: Systematic Theology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 36.0 UD
CT3510T - Reading *Confessions* with Augustine Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3511Y - Martyrs, Minds and Mystics: The Birth of Christian Thought Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 YTU
CT3520A - St Gregory of Nazianzus: Orator, Theologian, Bishop Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3569S - Theology of Joy Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 STC
CT3610T - Introduction to Anglican Ecclesiology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3620A - Eucharist in the Early Church and Coptic Tradition Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3666T - Economy and Race Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3700A - Christological teaching of the church of Alexandria (Coptic Church), Past and present Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3700T - The End of History: Apocalypse, Economy, and Ecology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3705W - Being Human Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 WHT
CT3709T - The End of History: Apocalypse, Economy, and Ecology Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 TRI
CT3710A - Jesus Christ in the Asian Context Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3710W - Rural Ministry Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 WHT
CT3711W - Death Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 WHT
CT3720A - Jesus Christ at the Margins Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 SAC
CT3724S - A Theology of Suffering and Hope Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 STC
CT3739B - Imagined Futures in Popular Culture Undergraduate Level 3 CT 18.0 EBC